Hi All,
Not to add more fuel to the fire, or maybe beat a dead horse, but I had to
throw in my .02.
I think that the WWW archive access is a great idea.  A little slow to get
things maybe but a heck of a lot easier!  I, for one, am not worried about
what someone does with my posts, as long as nothing goes to the ABM
companies, because I knew when I joined Lactnet that this was PUBLIC.  So
anything I may have said about me or my family is OK to be used however you
need.  If I had wanted it to be kept quiet and private I wouldn't have posted
to about 1000 people I have never met before.  :)
As far as Melissa's concerns about lawsuits from people using the info from
the archives and hurting themselves then trying to sue, I really don't think
they would have any success.  Obviously I am not a lawyer (maybe one of ours
could comment?), but I think a judge would kinda laugh them out of court.  It
would be akin to "So you saw your friend jump off the Empire State building,
he said it was fun, so you tried it, and now you want to sue HIM because YOU
broke your leg?"  NOT.
I don't think that we really have a lot to be concerned about.  This is a
free country, at least in the US we are supposed to have freedom of speech.
 I would think that if "Mary's" boss happened to see that "Mary" said
something he didn't like about the Hosp he runs and she works at and he then
tries to harrass her about it, that she would have legal recourse against
him.  Just because he doesn't like what she says doesn't mean that he can
harrass or fire her for it.  Now in other countries, I don't know.
What  I am trying to say here, is that the Kathleens have made it clear (and
it is in the rules for the road for Lactnet that everyone gets when they
join) that this is a public list.  Yes it is for professionals, but anyone
can subscribe and "Lurk".  Ever wonder why, with over 1000 members on the
list, we aren't swimming even more in Lactnet?  Because probably a lot those
"Lurkers" are just folks who want more info about BF, but don't work with BF
moms, and they are being polite enough to just "listen and learn" and not ask
personal questions (as is not allowed per Lactnet rules).  Of course we do
have some folks on here that we would rather not, (you know who you are) but
again, this is public and, while we may not like it, they have a right to be
here.  There is only one way this all could be changed, and that would be to
make this list a private list with access decided by the Kathy's and by
invitation only.  Now just think how hard it would be to try starting that
right now, and think how many wonderful contributers we might be lacking if
they thought "well, heck they prob'ly wouldn't want me on their list.  I'm
just a lowly WIC PC/ LLL/ insert your own title."
So folks, lighten up a bit.  This archive thing is not the threat some are
worried about.  Let's worry about the important things in life, like the next
FTT baby whose mom got some really crappy info from some person who knows
Take care all, sorry so long...