"Ann Elsie"
You make some interesting points.  I have learned in life that anything we say
or write to anyone has the potential of getting around in embarrassing ways.
Therefore, I do my best not to say things I don't want repeated.  This
definately puts a crimp on the support function of Lactnet, if we are hurt by
a colleague or institution we cannot cry to others about it without the risk
of it getting back to that person.  There were several times I started to post
a whine and thought better of it...
        There is a definate upside to the web access to lactnet archives-
other health professionals and interested parents could have access to some of
the wonderful wisdom and information through this venue.
        Kathy and Kathy told us in the beginning to consider anything we
posted as being on the cover of the NY Times....
Catherine Watson GEnna, IBCLC  NYC  [log in to unmask]