On Thu, 16 May 1996, Dave Green, Eastern Pollinator Newsletter wrote:
> In a message dated 96-05-16 00:56:28 EDT, [log in to unmask]
> (Roy Nettlebeck) writes:
> >Wax will soak up
> >all kinds of pheromones and anything else that the bees bring back to the
> >hive. That queen knew her hive and there was no hesitation on her part.
> >The gaurds let her in with no problem.
>     I'm skeptical.  A newly hatched virgin can run into any hive with little
> challenge, as her own odor is not yet very developed.  Each day older makes
> acceptance more difficult.  I often catch virgins to use for nucs, but try to
> use them the same day.  If not, I put them in a regular queen cage with a
> small candy plug, as they might get killed.
 Hi Dave , I would be skeptical to if I did not see it myself. The is not
smelling het pheromones but that which is in her hive. She could not see
where she came from so it must be smell. I can not come up with any other
answer. She had 10 to choose from and it was not the closest hive to
her.You would think that , we should not have a drifting problem if the
bee can smell there own hive.Like I said , it took me two years to
finialy say to myself that the queen must have been able to smell her
hive.There could be different pheromones goin on in a hive that is
getting ready to swarm? I thought about luck.But it was a be line for the
right hive and passed up 2 to get home.
 I would love to hear something else that would explain what happened.
 Best Regards