Perhaps a good approach to teaching new moms about early feeding cues would
incorporate a discussion/reminder that for 9 months that mom responded
automatically to "feeding cues" of her developing fetus, and that it is not too
surprising that baby should expect the same after birth. And that the cues are
learnable, and to be able to recognize them just requires knowing your baby--and
that is a desirable thing to do!

And maybe to include some of the information available on the stress that crying
actually puts on a newborn--to counter the "crying is good for the lungs" myth
most mothers hear from folks who ought to know better. Ask them if they feel
like eating when they are sobbing/crying hysterically, etc. That's the time I
want--need--to be comforted first, and fed second!

Melissa Vickers, IBCLC and LLLL
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