Hi All,
I seem to remember that we discussed this many moons ago.
The hair loss, as I recall, is NOT caused by BF.  It is caused simply by the
hormones rebalancing to an unpregnant state.
Even those who ABM feed (gag) lose hair at about 3 mo PP.
I asked my hairdresser about this and he said that what he learned is that
the hormones changes in the body kept hair from falling out/dying during
pregnancy.  That is why some folks seem to get thicker hair while pregnant.
 Then when the hormones start going back to "normal" then the body lets go of
all that hair that should have been let go months before, thus looking like
you're really losing a lot of hair.
Now, I don't know how accurate his info is, but boy can he cut hair!  :D
So my opinion is that BF is NOT related to hair loss after pregnancy.
 Especially since women who don't BF start losing hair at about the same time
that BF moms do.

Happy Mom's Day !
(To the guys on the list to, 'cause with you we couldn't be moms!)