I'm new to lactnet. I'm a way part time Maternal Child Health nurse at the
Visiting Nurse Assoc.--mostly just do Early Hospital Discharge visits. Im a
way full time Mom to Eliza-9 and Sophie-2.
I do have some info. on thrush to share. My understanding is that bifidus is
predominate flora in the breastfeeding babe's gut that keeps the yeasties in
check. (Acidophilus in people not breastfeeding) Therefore bifidus is the
supplement to give. It comes in powder form. For really little ones make a
with ebm and slather right on the nipple. The babe will suck it right off.
For older
babes and toddlers just give it to them right on a spoon. Kids dont seem to
mind it. 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. qd seems to work fine. May be increased to BID to
if needed. Big thing to remember is not to mix it with water that is
as the chlorination kills the bug. Bifidus does need to be refrigerated. I
had great results!!!
    Also in conjunction with tx yeast internally- Calendula cream with zinc
great on the butt. Weleda makes a great one. Also  Plaintain leaf- grows
everywhere especially in lawns and cracks in sidewalks, it has a  broad leaf
with veins that come down  the leaf similar to the way the creases in a
look. Crush the fresh leaf in your fingers or chew it then stick/rub it to
babe's diaper area. Plaintain is also great for insect bites. Have your kids
 it 30 times (bitter but not too bad) and then spread it on the bite.( The
 part is essential especially because it quells the screams and tears from
bee sting.) Kids love this and they think you're magic! The plaintain stops
itching and relieves the pain.
     Good luck with the yeasties.
Maria Cimonetti RN,MOM
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