The other LC and I have been getting called more frequently to the outpatient
surgical unit when breastfeeding moms are hospitalized.  We're frequently asked
for our opinion about the medications being prescribed for these patients.
Basically we've been passing along the info we have, primarily from Briggs and
Hale's books, but they have now asked for a list of recommended meds for post-op
pain management.

Has anyone else compiled a list like this?  I'm a bit uneasy *recommending*
drugs since this is not my area of expertise.  If anyone has done this, or if
our pharmacists/LC's have some recommendations, we'd be ever so grateful.

Also, has anyone run into problems with Buprenex (buprenorphine hydrochloride)?
It's not in either book and I've had one mother who experienced a major drop in
production when being given it.  The package insert notes "an apparent lack of
milk production . . . in rats" so I've been advising against its use based on
this one case.

Thanks for any help.

Becky Krumwiede, RN, IBCLC, Appleton, WI
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