>On Wed, 8 May 1996, Adrian Wenner wrote:
>>    Actually, soapy water does just fine, with about a quarter cup of
>> kitchen detergent in a half a bucket of water..... (re: ants,yellow jackets)
Roy Nettlebeck:
> Hi Adrian , Your post was very timely for me.I was stacking up some deep
>boxs for some painting and I came across a couple of boxs that had the
>red headed ants in them. I mixed up some soapy water and did add a little
>borax and put it in a sprayer. It worked great....
Hi Roy, Adrian, Joel and all:
        Roy's post raises something I am most curious about.  I would have been
a little worried to use borax in the boxes.  It is toxic to the ants, and I
about the bees?  Does anyone know about this, because I mix it with syrup to
bait ants in the blueberry fields and although I cover the bait I am always
a little concerned that wind or something else will uncover it and expose it
to the bees.  If a little can destroy an anthill, maybe it can do in a hive.
        Wonderful stuff, this borax is:  Kills ants in a fairly
environmentally benign way (though soap is even better, I'll try that IF I
know where the nests are!);  Cures hollow heart in turnips;  is a necessary
soil nutrient for alfalfa;  and takes propolis out of Joel's families
clothes thus furthering marital harmony!
                Regards     Stan