As part of the overall marketing strategy in New Zealand, we have
tried to increase the overall awareness of honey (particularly as a
food ingredient) as well as trying to reposition honey in the scheme
of things.  That is, we're trying to increase value of select
sources, etc, by dealing with them more like fine wines.  We've even
organised tastings by wine people to try to get some of their
vocabulary included into our descriptions.
We're trying to get comsumers to *value* honey more, moving it away
from just another spread, competing with jams, and into the
'something really special and unique' category.
If you have a tables-capable WWW browser, you can see a table of
some of the descriptions of NZ sources that we have gotten from
'outside' the industry, ways of describing our honeys that make them
that little bit extra in the eyes of the customer.  You can find the
page at:
Then again, you might just get a laugh at the pretensions of it all!
I must admit, some of the words seem awfully precious to me...
Nick Wallingford
President - National Beekeepers Assn of NZ
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