>In a message dated 96-05-13 09:27:10 EDT, [log in to unmask]
>(Christian Schulte AG Kluge) writes looking for section information.
>>[log in to unmask]    Dave and Janice Green wrote
>use comb honey foundation.  I place empty frames between two good frames of
>comb, and the bees make beautiful frames of comb honey, which I cut and place
>into wide-mouth jars. Fill the rest with liquid honey, and you have a lovely
>pack, which sells well, at least in this area.
I think it might have been easier to give an address in Europe, as that's
where the message came from, and with a statement that he didn't want to cut
comb. I did in fact send him that information privately. My reason for doing
this? We are forgetting the basic ettiquette and not stopping to think
before we hit the send button!!
        PLEASE read headings and the address both incoming and outgoing, it
might help to reduce the general background babble!
                Best Regards to all, keep the faith.