I have a bf mom who is an RN in Dallas.  The patient was a 66 yr old woman
with a brain disorder.  She is also an alcoholic.  Her chart had no
information on her HIV status or any other transmitable problem.  They drew
her blood and the nurses last night.  This mom has a two month old who had a
very difficult start.  She has worked very hard and she is VERY upset.  We
both would be greatful for any information you have.  I explained that she
could pump/freeze until she gets the results (1week).  Then go from there.
 She is worried of the constant threat of her job and breastfeeding.  I want
to provide her with all the information I can.  She has already made a great
impact on all her co-workers in regards to breastfeeding.  She is desperatly
waiting and will be meeting me later this evening for support.  I explained
she provides antibodies for all those yucky things she comes in contact with
and it's much better than not bf.  We talked about all the pro's and con's of
her job etc.  (I am being very breif becuase my kids b-day party is today)
She really needs help and you all are so tallented and have been so helpful.
 I knew I could find help here.  Thank you all!

Michelle Ramsey
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