
   i have always found this a most difficult issue... there are incredibly
good portions in many books and an equal number of  inaccuracies in almost
ALL books. One of the problems is that from the time of scribing to the time
of press new information comes along to replace what is written but the
wheels are turning and the new information can not be incorporated....

   i have often written a faceplate for books and pamhlets discussing the
outdated or information that may be in question....

    having that as a starting point "bestfeeding" by may renfrew is one of my
favorites...i think that it is more appropriate for the woman who plans to bf
vs the woman who is on the fence. the pictures are excellent and i often use
one (p78) to show parents how to know when the baby has enough...[ available
from celestial arts in berkley california]

   my second choice is nursing mother's companian.... there is unfortunately
some outdated information but here i use a faceplate to discuss....
