As I said previously, Bad programs beget more bad programs........I feel we
need to come up with a different solution besides government.  Government
doesnt work! welfare enslaves folks to the system, keeps them beholden to
it.......kills any sort of incentive to move on in life.
 Yes, woman working is not the issue.......WWII women were working in
factories, their husbands at war, away from home, Latch-key kids, Yet, the
problems we see in society were not a problem then.  Our county's problems
cannot be fixed simply by letting women stay home and is
much deeper than this, unfortunatly.  We will not solve this problem here on
Lactnet. But, I feel those who are involved with children and families, at
large, are capable of initiating change. Tis better to persuade then to
coerce. Societies attitudes will not change by legislation or government
mandates.  Attitudes change a little at a time. Plant a seed,  in your corner
of the world, one by one, we have   the responsiblity to share what we know
with others. We can make a difference. Change never comes easy. I will
continue to do my part here, as I am sure you all will there.
PS: Thanks Charlotte, I always feel like the lone ranger!!