Hi Michael,
Everytime I started to send you a note yesterday, a new list would
show up. This is what I've received from you:
Projectile Point Bibliography
Rockart Bibliography
Ethnobotany Bibliography
It looks like I'll be exploring these bibliographies for hours.
Lucky I have a tutorial program for the internet. I've never used a
gopher program I have, and I suppose the Grey Net is there.
The botany is of special interest in that maybe I can find leads to
translations of plants and trees native to the area from Maya or
Spanish to English, which has always been a stumbling block down
here. The tourists are always asking, for example, what the "Ceiba"
tree may be in English which in Texas may be what is called the
"Cottonwood". The Maya who are often their own guides on their
properties are always asking as well.  I suppose I'll have to cross
reference the Latin names from Spanish and English texts. The "Peech"
tree (not peach) which they use for its resins is a real mystery.
Tommarrow I'll post on the nets local to Cancun and Merida for any
Spanish texts that may be useful for such a cross-referencing.
If anyone already has such, I love to know about it.
Also I'd like to thank Marti Latta who is sending a "stack" of
Ka Xiik Keech Ya Utzil,
John Pastore
Writer/Guide in 'El Mayab'
("The Mayan Homeland")
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"A teepee is a pyramid, isn't it?"