>-- [ From: Linda Derry * EMC.Ver #2.5.03 ] --
>Just thought I would let people know; if your library has an on-line
>service called "Washington Alert" (usually part of Public Documents and
>Maps) you can find out daily what's happening to a particular bill.  You
>go into the program, choose "Billtrack" from the menu, and search for the
>bill either by its sponsor, the bill#, or keyword;  then you can get the
>text of the bill, a status report on where it stands, etc.  Washington
>Alert is a service established by the Congressional Quarterly and is
>REALLY useful for following Congress long distance.  Check with your
>I appreciated recieving the news from Chuck Niquette about today's markup
>of H.R
>. 1013, the bill introduced to reauthorize the Advisory Council's funding.  Has
>anything happened?  Does anyone heard anything?
>Linda Derry
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james cusick
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