A colleague (a health educator) and I have been having lively (and
friendly) discussions about breastfeeding promotion.  She recently read
"Milk, Money, and Madness" (Baumslag & Michels) and "Watch Your
Language!" (Wiessinger) and admitted that *her buttons were pushed* by
some of the information.  She classifies herself as a feminist and feels
that women should have a choice about whether or not to breastfeed
(and not to be "pushed" to do so by anyone).

Our discussions have revolved around why she has such strong
reactions when she reads very pro-breastfeeding materials, since she is
not against breastfeeding.  In the course of such discussions I brought
up, that as a health educator, she has been involved in campaigns which
promote use of infant car seats, and why she feels that promoting car
seat use is different than promoting breastfeeding - both reduce the risk
that your infant may be "injured".

She then had an "AH-HA".  She is not convinced that the threat from
feeding  infant formula is great enough to produce behavior change.
Thus, our conversation shifted to whether or not formal research had
been done on the use of the health belief model and breastfeeding
education/promotion.  Refresher:  the health belief model uses education
to address perceived threat, perceived benefits, and perceived barriers
to encourage behavior change.  I plan to do a literature search for
published research.

 QUESTION:  Do you know of any unpublished/undistributed research on
the use of the health belief model as the basis of prenatal breastfeeding
education?  Any info would be appreciated.

TIA - Debi  (who feels a research project brewing, in spite of best
intentions to avoid over-committing...)
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