I had a call today from a mother whose 15 week old exclusively
breastfeeding baby was waking several times per night.  Baby is
gaining well, etc and has not started solids. Her health care provider
was consulted and gave her a free tin of ABM powder with the
suggestion it might settle the baby.  She rang me to ask if she
should use it!!!!  What a question.  A few facts later she was going
to try the alternatives - increasing the daytime feeds, doing some in
a distraction-free environment, and feeding lying down in bed at
night so at least she got more rest.

This was a mother who was doing VERY well with breastfeeding and
ABSOLUTELY did not need to comp.  Yes, I am shouting.  Giving this
mother a sample of ABM is against the WHO Code and everything it
stands for.  While I appreciate that my US colleagues may face this
sort of situation on a daily basis, here in Australia we supposedly
have the Code implemented.  The irony is that I am the one who
represents the community (including mothers like this) on the
monitoring panel.

You can bet I will take this issue further.

Ros Escott
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"In every work the beginning is the most important part,
especially in dealing with anything young and tender." Socrates