I was driving the kids home from McDonald's this morning and heard about the
"Breastfeeding Bandit."  Has anyone else heard about this woman?

 Supposedly, she is going around taking babies and breastfeeding them saying how
every baby deserves the right to be breastfed (something to that effect).  I was
horrified about ANOTHER bout of bad publicity concerning breastfeeding.  My
local radio station has never mentioned breastfeeding before, but today it was a
topic for discussion.

Anyone know where this person is from?  Have you heard about this person?  I
would like to send her a letter and thank her for making breastfeeding promotion
that much harder in my area!  Like people need another reason to make women feel
self-conscious about breastfeeding!

Melissa Brancho
Mom of four, BSC student and IBCLC hopeful for 1998