> >> 2. Today I placed a paper towel saturated w/vegetable oil (any
> >> kind; cheaper the better) between the two deep broodchambers.
> >> Within a week the bees will have removed it.
> >The mechanism of TM control using oils and grease is not well
> >understood (AFAIK), so if this is scientifically proven, then
> >measured and proven success with this technique would give some
> >insight into the mechanism, perhaps.
> FYI  Dr. Delaplane has been testine this method of summer control of
> T mites for about 3 years. He has advised beekeepers in Georga that
> is a very effective method of when bees cannot be treated with
> Menthol.
Can you tell me where to get a copy of his paper on this?  I'd sure
like to examine the proofs, including and the opinions of his peers.
I'm delighted that there are simpler and less cumbersome methods
than patties.  I found patties a real nuisance when manipulating
hives, and have trouble bringing myself to use them.
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                                         VE6CFK
RR#1, Swalwell, Alberta  Canada T0M 1Y0
Internet:[log in to unmask] & [log in to unmask]
Honey. Bees, & Art <http://www.internode.net/~allend/>