I recieved a "swarm call" today and when I got there the wife
said that a great number of bees disappeared into a crack in the
wall.  Sure enough there are bees going in  and out of a crack in the brick wall.
I removed a brick and discovered it to be just the entrance to a hive
in the wall some where.
I have read about mounting a hive on the wall and covering the
entrance of the wall hive with bee escapes.  I don"t remember what I
should put in the hive.  If I put brood in it, they will build
another queen and there will be another hive there to accept the bees
that come out and can't get back in. Eventually the queen inside
would loose all her subjects and die.
Has anybody had experience with this procedure?
Is there a better way of getting the bees out of there?
Shall I walk away or be a good guy and help these people?
Thanks for being here to ask!
James Peterson Ph.D.
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