There have been several posts about the nipplette not being approved by the
FDA.  I am confused.  Is this the sort of thing that the FDA is required to
approve.  I have used periodontal syringes, nipple shields and Nuk nipples,
SNS's and pumps before with my clients and it never occured to me to
consider if they were FDA approved.  I also use latex finger cots- where do
they fall in all of this.  What if we sell other supplies such as baby
slings and nursing pads and nipple shells.
Can someone please clarify this for me?

Also, there is a way to make a nipple puller using a needle-less syringe-
where does this fit in?  Thanks-
Nancy Sherwood IBCLC, LLLL Perth, Australia

(by the way, I'm an American-just living here for a while)