>>I also think it's interesting that there's no evidence that milk supply
increase with "growth spurts."  Even though I believed that in general milk
supply did not increase, I thought it did go up and down a bit.  Like Denise
Fisher I assumed that when babies were going through a slow growth phase milk
supply dropped a bit and when they went through a fast growth phase they
it up again.  Doesn't seem inconsistent to me.<<

Has Peter actually followed a mom or mothers really closely for 6 or 12 mos?
My impression is that, as of now, the research is based on periodic "snap
shots" of a mother's supply and baby's intake; we may need several continous
studies (you know, like continuous fetal monitoring!) to really see what is

Question: can a mother put another baby to breast and increase her supply
enough to wet-nurse?  I'm still pondering this idea that one can feed twins
or triplets, that maybe the breast regulates in the first few weeks and
permanently discards some extra milk-making cells while keeping others
"off-line" but ready to pitch in.

-Lisa Marasco, LLLL, IBCLC
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