Your ophthalmologist probably uses phenylephrine
hydrochloride to dilate your eyes. I checked Briggs but there
is no breastfeeding data available. Briggs notes that this drug
has been used as a stress test to determine fetal status in
high-risk pregnancies (Japanese reference). (And that wasn't
just a few drops in the mom's eyes!)

Even if this drug were absorbed systemically (which I doubt)
it seems silly to suggest you wait until you wean to have an
exam. Pump-and-dump would be better than weaning. If I
were you I would contact one of the pharmacology data
bases that provide lactation-specific information. Then, I
would make a point to provide the correct information to all
the providers who gave you wean-or-wait advice.

A big DUH award to your providers and their office staff.

The only information they probably have is what is supplied
by the drug manufacturer in the product information. That
information is usually (always!) that the effects during
lactation are unknown so caution should be exercised. Uh,
don't the drug companies also manufacture abm? Hellllloo!

Margery Wilson, IBCLC