Hi everyone!

RE: the Niplette:

Per Margery Wilson:
>Just a note: the Niplette is being distributed by Avent
>America, a subsidiary of Cannon Babysafe.  Their
>advertisement claims "Completely safe, totally effective, and
>available without a prescription."  I called Avent and was told
>that the FDA has approved the device.

Per Dany Gauthier:
>Being a lactation consultant in Montreal, Quebec, I have had lots of
>experience andI have lots of information on the Niplette. Our problem
>herein Quebec was that the product's marketing (media)was extremely
>strong, andthat they recommended their product as being safe and
>effective mostlyduring pregnancy and lactation. But, when you read the
>instructions insidethe packaging, you found out that the only studies
>done on its safety and effeciency was their own!!! What was also
>surprising to those not in the lactation field was that the product
>was not recommended during lactation.

Lactnetters might be interested in knowing that Avent/Cannon Babysafe
is "the leading seller of baby bottles in the U.K" (10-14-94 WALL ST.
JOURNAL,"Feeding Baby As Nature Intended" article about the *new* Avent
bottle which wasn't new to the U.S. at all.) It also aggressively
markets its bottle-feeding products throughout Europe.
The parent company is Canon Rubber of London, owned by Edward Atkin
of Great Britain.

On 8-21-94, a well-know British newspaper, THE MAIL ON SUNDAY,
published an article which headlined with "Tiny victims of the 'breast
is best' zealots." The article described the story of Ross, Celia and
Edward Atkin's infant son, who narrowly escaped starvation and brain
damage when Celia attempted to breastfed. It blamed the breastfeeding
zealots for this potential tragedy and even quoted Nancy Hurst
(Houston, TX) as saying "The more intelligence and education the
parents have, the greater the danger seems to be."
The article also quotes Pam F., focus of the 7-22-94 WALL STREET
JOURNAL article "Dying for Milk", as pleading for people not to be
deceived by the (breastfeeding) propaganda. This British article gave
the impression that Ross was a little baby when it was written; in
reality, Ross was several years old at the time.

If the Niplette works, great! If not, the Avent baby bottle system
will save babies from brain damage ;) Oh yeah, the 10-14-94 WSJ Avent
product plug also mentioned that Ross "'might get brain damage' if he
wasn't given supplementary formula."

RE: bumper stickers:
Global Graffiti sells 2 bumper stickers and I have lots of their
catalogs if you want one.

Back to working on the Lactnet T-shirt orders...