I caught the show with all of the stars talking about having their baby and I
REALLY hoped they would be positive about the whole thing and really try to
promote healthy choices.  I knew they would not mention breastfeeding but I did
not expect them to show Marilu putting her baby in the crib first day home with
the dreadful womb sounds teddy bear!  Wonder how many moms ran out to buy one
today so their baby could learn about mommy substitutes also????  If only I
would have had the oportunity to influence so many new and expectant moms.......

Kathleen, I don't know about the Walmart thing with Medela but I wouldn't be
surprised if it happens in the near future.

Diane W.:  I wouldn't have done the talk either.  You have done the right thing,
feel good about it.  You have my admiration and respect for not compromising
your position!

Wishful Thinking in Central PA,
Melissa Brancho
Hello to all who just came back fron LLL of W. PA Conference!  Karen, you did