Coach Smith again - "standards" is a moving target.

It was standard in 1970 for babies to be NPO for 24 hours. My son was. I'm
still mad about it. (He's 25, brilliant, and healthy- or would be if he quit
motorcycle racing.)  It was also standard to labor alone in bed - no partner
or coach. My husband paced the waiting room like all good fathers did.

It was standard in my mom's day to be allowed to sit up on the 7th day
postpartum. Cigarettes were part of the standard daily ration for soldiers -
my dad got them in his field rations during WWII.

When I was in high school, it was standard for girls to not exercise when
they were menstruating.  Being a competitive swimmer, I quickly discovered
tampons and swam anyway - quite a revolutionary even at age 14.  I actually
wrote a term paper on why girls sports should be supported in schools - there
were no girls varsity sports in HS or colleges.

We've come a long way, gals!  Keep plugging. It takes the efforts of many
committed people to turn the tide of "standards" toward "normal."  You all
matter - a LOT.

Linda Smith, revealing my wisdom and my age in a rare moment of inspiration.
Dayton OH - private practice LC and general advisor on things standard.