> This arguement between New Zealand and Hawaii is getting old.  IMHO,
> you guys are taking up too much bandwidth, that people have to pay
> for, with meaningless "punch trading".  Can we please put a lid on
> it?
> Does anyone else feel this way, or am I the only one?
Well, now the response to the trolls is getting heavier than the
trolls themselves.
Let's just ignore this tomfoolery.
I just put turkeys in my Pegasus 'rules' file and they are *never*
heard from again.  If you have a filter available you can get rid of
anyone  -- even me. <G>
Or you can just filter out certain subjects.
Just remember, folks, that if you get mixed up in this stuff and then
want to make a serious post, or e-mail people, that you just won't
exist once your are 'killed'.  If no one replies when you write to
them, it means that they may have quietly killed you.
Only scrappers write to tell you that they stuck you in the kill
file.  The rest of us just throw you in the trash can and carry on.
While we're on this -- e-mail is forever.  Every post that you make
here is available for your boss, your kids, and your peers to read
in perpetuity.  The logs go back to 1988 and look as if they will be
kept forever.
If you post on USENET, you can see if you were always sober when you
did so by visiting dejanews' site and searching for your own name.
Ignore the trolls, or you become one.
I wonder -- what does this say about me?
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                                         VE6CFK
RR#1, Swalwell, Alberta  Canada T0M 1Y0
Internet:[log in to unmask] & [log in to unmask]
Honey. Bees, & Art <http://www.internode.net/~allend/>