Being a fairly new hobbiest (3 years), I'am still experimenting with
things trying to find what works best for me.
 So today  I took delivery of a few of the plastic tops, inner covers and
bottom boards that are sold by the W. T. Kelly Co.. Thinking I would try
them out with some packages in a couple of weeks, but now I'am having
doubts. After seeing them I began to wonder if they would not provide
enough insulation in our S.E. Michigan winters. Which may lead to exessive
moisture build-up. Am I being conserned over nothing or is this
warrented? Has anyone used or currently using these? With what
 Its entirely possiable that I'am being a bit of a traditionalist and just
cant picture my "ladies" walking on anything but "warm" wooden floors.
 Seen my first dandalions today, can barefoot children be far behind!
Tim Damon
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
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