Robert Rice writes:
>In New Zealand it is illegal to even use terrimycin, and has we are mite
>free there is no use of apistan or other such chemicals; the use of which
>in beehives would be illegal anyway unless the laws were changed.
For writing about this he was (in my opinion) very unfairly criticized by other
list members.  May I remind them, that by not editing his letter in their
"flames" they much increased the size of the list archives.  That is the
real junk
For my part I found Robert's posting fascinating?  What is the AFB control
in New Zealand.  Do you just burn everything?  There has been some recent
on the list about frame baths.  Are they legal?  What about ethylene
dioxide, or
radiation?   And what about EFB?  Do you have it in New Zealand?  What control
measures do you use for it, if you do?
Thank you for your time responding,       Stan Sandler