Diane, As a LLL I have been in a position similar to yours - I was given
enough warning that the conference I was invited to participate in was
funded by a formula company and I *could not* due to LLLI rules: I can
understand the position. HOWEVER, as a mother I would like to think that the
health care professionals who are giving me information and advice
concerning breastfeeding are as knowledgable as possible. The attitude that
it will only be a few months or years until they wise up is fine - for the
LC's and LLLL's - but what about the moms and their babies?? If it were my
baby during the three year period where the nurses were unenlightened and
things didn't go well I would resent being told that someone had the
information available but would not impart it due to conflict of interest or
some such thing. I hope you go!! They need us there to share our knowledge,
in a gentle way perhaps, but it needs to be shared. No, don't accept the
money if you feel strongly about it, eat your brown bag lunch - but do go
and enlighten them!!

Janet Gerla - LLLL who loves Lactnet and learns so much but has to go
no-mail while my son takes our computer tto the Minnesota State Science Fair
for the weekend!!

>you-know-who. Only took 3 years. Still haven't been invited back to speak,
>but other LCs have, and have said similar things as I would have said. The
>message will get carried forth somehow...