Remember my case report of the pregnant primip with a hx of a pierced nipple?
 The nipple had always been slightly inverted, and she felt the piercing had
everted it somewhat.  She'd had the nipple ring removed during early preg.
and it was fully healed with holes filled in when I saw her approx. 6 weeks
before delivery.  I spoke to her shortly after the birth.  There were some
complications with delivery (baby had broken collar bone) and she was
miserable with engorgement, but wasn't having any special trouble with that
nipple.  I phoned her yest. to see how things are going now.  baby is about 2
mo old and nursing well.  She feels there is no difference between the
functioning of her nipples. She notices that the formerly pierced nipple is
still somewhat less elastic, but that is about it.  I don't know how much can
be extrapolated from one case, but I had no experience with this type
situation prior to this contact, and share it in hopes it may assist anyone
else who encounters something similar.
Barbara Wilson-Clay, BSE, IBCLC
priv. pract. Austin, Tx