Several people have expressed concern about the pricing of this pump and how
to manage if others are discounting it.  It is important that we all
communicate with our sales reps about this because I have been told by my
rep. that M-d -l- "will not tolerate" any discounting of this equipment.
 This is verbatam from her.  I have also called the main office number and
have been told the same thing.  Their intent is that no one charge less than
the suggested retail price.  There are certainly  manufacturers of other
products  (purses, watches) which do not allow discounting so this is legal
business practice.  I have been told that if anyone is discounting, whether
it is a storefront or someone in private practice out of a home, (s)he should
be alerted to this policy.  Apparently, Medela will step in if this policy is
not followed by a pump rental station.  It will be wonderful if they do what
they say they  will do and then everyone will be on a level playing field!

Judy Eastburn,. B.S. IBCLC
Private Practice, Dallas, Tx.