I recently had a patient that her Dr. (a perinatologist) did not want her to
breastfeed due to her condition (She lost weight during pregnancy, felt that
she was malnourshed, had some complications after delivery). Her baby was in
the NICU and he felt the expressing her milk would compromise her too much.
We "compromised" by him allowing her to pump 5 min. each breast and when she
became engorged, she could pump to "comfort" (That day, she pumped once,
obtained 70 ml (20ml which was cream after it separated in the refrigerator).
After a great deal of discussion with him, he thinks we should meet and come
up with a list of "medically fragile" patients that should not breastfeed (an
example of his is a mother who is malnourshished).  I won't go into all the
things other than  I thought it would be very difficult to come up with a
list as each mother and her situation is different, and even if a mother us
unable to nurse/pump now, it can be started later when her condition is
improved but I did tell him I would ask my "lactnet"colleagues as to whether
there "is" anyone out there who has developed such a list.  So is there some
one out there that has a list  or additonal  suggestions for me.