---------------Original Message---------------
Soon I'll be refurbishing an old Root 45-frame extractor.  Hand power.
(just kidding).  It's in great shape BUT galvanized, of course, and so are
a couple of honey tanks of similar vintage.  I've tried "Camcote" coating
on a galvanized tank before, but it cracked into tiny fragments which got
into my honey.  Can anyone recommend a type of enamel or other coating
which is food-safe and which will prevent honey from reacting with these
galvanized surfaces??   I hope to have the beast in operation this summer.
Or maybe I could use it as a planter out on the lawn.  Thanks in advance.
There are some two part epoxy paints that are approved for honey and
adhere very well, contact your local paint supply store, they should be
able to give you the correct info.
Tim Townsend
RR 1 Stony Plain Alberta
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