Hello, all!

I've been reading with great interest about the Ezzo's and their programs
for several months here on Lactnet, and remember recently thinking," Boy, I
can't wait till I get my first Ezzo family".  :)   Well, lo and behold,
what should appear in my mail but an invitation to my own stepsister's baby
shower.  "Babywise" was on the top of her list of wanted books.  The
midwife I work with (I'm a birth and postpartum doula) recommended Sears'
"Ministry of Parenting Your Child" as a BF-friendly alternative. I hope she
gets the not-so-subtle-hint.  :)

On a lighter note, I was at the airport last weekend, and saw a large
plastic garbage dumpster-on-wheels with "ABM ONLY" written on the side in
HUGE letters.  Made me chuckle.

A few questions:

What effect, if any, does dental anesthesia (local) have on breastfeeding?
What is the latest info on treatment for chronic yeast?
Can a mom on phenobarbitol (sp?) breastfeed?  Mom has a seizure disorder,
will possibly be put on Vit. K for last month of pregnancy instead, then
back on phenobarbitol after delivery.  I have no experience with any of
this, and any info would be so appreciated!

Take care, all, and thanks for everything!

April Tutino
Seattle, WA