>>My question: on talking about frenulums and suck training for a second time
with mom,she mentioned that her upper frenulum (lingual?) was causing the gap
between her teeth and at one time discussion was made in her youth of
possibly needing to cut it.<<

I'm not the expert here in the least, but I have been studying this issue
informally myself. As a matter of fact, I had *my* frenum surgically removed
when I was about 7 or 8 because it was separating my front teeth.

I have another friend, LLL Leader, who has had a good 3 out of 5 babies with
that "hard to flange" upper lip.  While it may not be as impairing as a tied
tongue, it does seem to contribute in severe cases to poor latch and maternal
pain.  IMO, the person to do the clipping would be the same as for a
frenotomy: a pediatrician, nurse practitioner, dentist, oral surgeon.....
preferably someone experienced, or at least with some knowledge!   If Alison
is still on Lactnet, I hope that she speaks up!

-Lisa Marasco, LLLL, IBCLC
[log in to unmask]@slonet.org