I have had two wonderful experiences since I moved to CO.  One was when I
went to the high school as a volunteer to test the students vision and
hearing.  One of the other volunteers brought her 4 mo old who of course
became hungry.  She simply sat down at one of the tables in the library and
bf.  Not one person ( including the many students who were standing in line
to be tested) even took a second look, let alone snickered, looked
embarressed etc.  I was surprised and very impressed!!!
Last week at a dress rehearsal of Stabat Mater by Rossini in my community
chorale a mother also appeared with a young baby.  The baby bf during most of
the rehearsal while her mother sang this remarkably beautiful music.  It made
me think of the "other" benefits.that bf babies get in being with their
mother in her many activities to stimulate the baby's senses and their
intellects. I think that it is great when we value our children enough to
expose them to what is best for them physiologically, socially,
intellectually, and culturally from birth.    Bf is more than just a feeding
method.  Thanks for listening, we can make the world a better place.
Merilee Reeder  (one happy camper in CO)