My husband and I have installed 50 - 100 packages at a time with relatively
little drift.
We minimize drift when we install packages by installing at the end of the
day, towards sundown.  The bees will naturally tend not to fly about, and
after they've spent a night in their new hive, they will tend to think of it
as home and not drift.
If you feed them, they will be more likely to want to stick around, too.
We also leave the bees in the package for 2 days after we get them, so the
bees get used to the smell of their queen.  I think that also helps.
 (Depending on how long they've been in the package before they got to you,
this might not be necessary.  We pick them up at the breeder's the day after
they've been shaken, so the bees have a total of three days to get used to
their new queen.)
Our basic technique for installing is this:  Take one hive body with frames.
 Put qeuun cage between frames.  Put an empty super (no frames) on top of
hive body. This empty super acts as a funnel to guide bees into frames.
 Spray bees in package with water (keeps them from flying too much).  Shake
bees out of package into empty super.  The bees will land on top of frames
and begin sinking down.  Put lid on top of empty super.  Put feeder on.  Go
to next hive.  (After bees have sunk down, we can take empty super off.  If
we're in a hurry, it can be during the same visit...last step.  If the
location is convenient to get to, we wait until the next day.)
If you can't get all the bees out of the package, you can leave the package
in the empty super until the bees have crawled out of it on their own, or
leave it by the front entrance until they've crawled into the hive.
Alternate methods that we have used include:
Screening bees in.  Put a screen across hive entrance (close up any other
entrances too).  After shaking bees into hive, leave for a day.  Next day
toward sundown, pull screen.  There is a risk of overheating if the hives are
in the sun, but if you have to install in the middle of the day, this
technique keeps them from drifting.
Installing after dark.  Forget it.  Bees are the original Jekyl and Hyde.
 Beautiful graceful insects by day, crawling grumpy nasty cockroaches by
Installing in a light drizzle.  Works GREAT!  Only problem....I haven't yet
figured out how to call up drizzle on command.
I hope this was helpful.  Good luck.  I think you'll love beekeeping.