To Roy and others:
For details on the effective use of pads with formic acid, contact Dr.
Medhat Nasr who has done extensive work on this in cooperation with the
Ontario Beekeepers' Association.  65% Formic Acid is used.
                [log in to unmask]
Pads may be obtained from Davis and John Bryans at Munro Honey, Alvinston,
Ontario.                    Phone (519) 565-2622
                Fax   (519) 565-5452
Results are impressive for the control of both Tracheal and Varroa mites.
Good luck,
> Hello , I had a friend tell me this morning that there is a pad that is
>the delivery method for formic acid , that is safe. I'm interested if
>anyone has any info on a pad? I think all of us on the list have have had
>enough info to show that formic acid is not really safe.I talked to me
>Son last night about formic acid and pheromones. Its like using a
>bulldozer in your flower bed to weed with.You will get the weeds and a
>whole lot more.
> Regards
> Roy