---------------Original Message---------------
 M      For those who might jump to the
     conclusion that I had a drone layer, not so.  There was plenty of
     regular worker brood, nearly 7-9 frames worth.
        The question is, is this early for drones?  I was not expecting to
     see them for at least another month.  Does their presence this early
     in our season mean anything or is it normal?  Dare I hope that it is a
     GOOD sign for a change?
     Mark Egloff
     [log in to unmask]
     Hobby Beekeeper and Amateur Student of Bee-ology
You are right it is a good sign, as your queen seems fine, then you can
smile, since the bees will only raise drones when they are in good
shape,(all things being equal) in the spring, we have had drones right
through the winter, in three story colonies.
Tim Townsend
RR 1 Stony Plain Alberta
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