<If you want to get rid of Varroa in a fresh swarm, add an Apistan strip when
you make your inspection a week after hiving the swarm.   Put the strip in
the middle of the active brood area.  You'll only need one strip because the
brood area will be small.  Take the strip out after it has been in for 6
weeks.   After that, the colony will go on your regular mite treatment
Have not had a swarm since Varroa arrived in my apiary so cannot speak from
experience.  Could you explain why wait a week.  At that time and from then
on there will be larvae and mites will be entering cells.  Is there any
reason why we should not hit them from day one when all the mites are on the
bees and have nowhere else to go?
Sid Pullinger                    Email :  [log in to unmask]
36, Grange Rd                Compuserve:  [log in to unmask]
Hants SO24 9HF