Kim asked if it is possible to overfeed an exclusively breastfed baby. She mentioned that a mother
in her LLL Group has a child who at 13 months weighs 35 lbs.

I wonder how long this baby is? How big are the parents?

My firstborn, who was 7#4oz at birth and 21" long, weighed 36# and measured 32" at one year. Like
the baby in Kim's Group, Dan satisfied all his suckling need at my breast. He started solids at 5
months (his choice) and had a good appetite. Everybody assured us that he would cut down on nursing
and eating during his second year . . . well, he has just turned 21y/o, and although he no longer
nurses ;-) he still eats well. He never did slow down on his growth - by 15y/o he was 6'3", and now
he is 6'5" and wears a size 14 (American) shoe. When he was 3y/o we took him to a pediatric
opthemologist (sp?) because we suspected that he had a lazy eye. The doctor who examined him had
3y/o twin daughters. He was amazed at Dan's size, but said that he was the healthiest and brightest
child he had ever seen. The only problem that Dan ever had was that because he kept on growing
constantly, he never had time to catch up with himself. He was always tripping over his feet. Both
his large and small motor coordination lagged behind his peers and he was in his teens before he
learned how to ride his bike. On the other hand, despite the fact that his handwriting was even
worse than mine (he compensated by learning how to type!) he beacame a National Merit Scholar
Finalist when he was 17y/o.  If you would like to know more about how he turned out, you can look
at his web page,

Just sign me
A Proud Mama!

Norma Ritter, IBCLC, LLLL
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