I haven't posted in a while so I probably should re-introduce myself. I'm an
LLLL and an AAPL (Assistant Area Professional Liaison). I've been a Leader for
4 years and have one 7 year old son. Recently I was asked about the drug,
Mesalamine. The mom is taking this drug for Crohn's disease and her baby is 3
1/2 mths. old. She has been taking it since before her baby was born but is
now wondering if she's doing the best thing and is considering switching to
formula. Her doctor told her it's a new drug and that there's not much info on
the drug. I couldn't find it in Dr. Hale's red book, probably since it's new.
I apologize if this drug has already been discussed on the LactNet.
Patt Jamieson, LLLL, AAPL
Renton, WA
PS I really appreciate all of the great wealth of information I've received on
the LactNet, it's wonderful!