Speaking of good books, (see Kathleen's comments on "The Giver" by Loius
Lowry), I recently read Marni Jackson's "The Mother Zone." (c. 1992)  I got
the name from a recommendation in "Milk, Money and Madness" by Naomi
Baumschlag and Dia Michels, another fine book.  "The Mother Zone" struck me
as a very perceptive view of many aspects of being a working wife and
mother, trying to balance all the conflicting pulls on time and emotions.
The author, who lives in Toronto, Canada with her husband and son, goes
from following her boy friend and his rock band around, through her strong
desire to have a child, pregnancy, nursing, stages of a child's growth,
parenting a child with asthma, searching for child care, good times and
bad.  She tells her story with pathos and wit, and it really rings true.

Anne Altshuler, RN, MS, IBCLC and LLL Leader in Madison, WI