Hi Pat,

You wrote:

<<Thanks for all the dialogue on medicalizing breastfeeding. My latest pet
peeve is in regards to an abundant milk supply, [snip] I really dislike some
of the phrases used to describe this - "overactive letdown reflex syndrome"
reminds me of a disease or pathological condition,>>

   You're right about the feeling of doom that comes along with many
'medical' descriptions of breastfeeding conditions.  But sometimes new
language can be inspiring.  The other day I accidently opened a dictionary to
a new (well, for me) term for breastmilk production -- *galactopoetic*.  I
thought it was  truly LOVELY.  Anybody heard of this word before?  Is it in

  It is wonderful being able to read you guys again... I was in Mexico for
February and March, and my internet situation was pretty minimal.  I'll be
back and forth across the border for the next year or so, and look forward to
reading the Lactnews...

Take care,

Mysti Easterwood