This thread on RN non-RN  LC's has crossed this net many times.

Surely we all realize that the medical community falls right into *The good
old boys club* category   They take care of their own.   There's a good
section in Auerbach and Riordan's book on ownership and take over behavior.
 RN's are notorously territorial.   Just when you think you've broken through
the wall, someone comes along and adds another brick.  My skull didn't get
all the knots on it from standing still. I've had road blocks thrown in my
path too (RN or not)  The only way to proceed is to find another route. Each
profession has good and bad elements. And ones who really stand a full head
and shoulders above the rest.

Is it changing?--yes but only as the younger ones filter in and the older
ones filter out. The fact that a few of you took the *join em* road is not
surprising and should be applauded--It is not a sell out, it's a compromise
and nursing school ain't easy (been there done that  LVN's weren't respected
so I got my RN).

I have met a few MD's who take a few breastfeeding courses and suddlenly they
think they are the expert and there are RN's who fit in this category too.
 One  NICU RN recently got under my skin. She told a mother with latch on
problems that she knew some tricks that I didn't know--I shun confrontation
but I pulled this gal into a room and gave her a sermon about team work and
what one says and does not say infront of the mother. (She still hates me but
I feel better)

Personally I feel like I am facing the same challange within the LC
community. Was it Kittie Frantz that asked "Why do we eat our young?"  We
need to take a seroius look at our own profession.  Are we becoming *A Good
Old Boys Club* too? It depends on who you talk to, but from where I sit, we
are often no better than those we critize. Often we look at the letters
strewn behind someone's name and make a judgement based solely on those
letters. To gain acceptance within this community as an LC (because I am
often lumped into that RNLC category) I have had to prove my self over and
over again. Unfortunately, it is our cohorts who are pushing me toward burn
out.  Right before Lactnet was birthed- I was ready to leave ILCA and the
whole LC community behind. The hurt that resulted from some cruely placed
political comments seemed more than I could bear. I had worked hard, and
thought I had overwhelming support-- it was a rude awaking.   My work sits
gathering dust for now--I haven't touched it in 18 months, because I am not
sure if I am strong enough to go through that again.

But my heart wouldn't let me leave. I love this too much. I love every little
fledgling LC as much as the babies I help find their way to the breast.
 Those bumps on my head made my skull pretty thick.  They say  *Stress occurs
when a person tries to change something or do something about that over which
she has no control.*  Well, I have some control. I am going to *join em* and
get those immortal letters strewn behind my name too. Can't afford it and I
don't have the time but this is  the only way I know to proceed.

So when you think the bricks are being thrown up in your face--look for a way
around it or though it. Change what you can ignore the rest.

Marie Davis