In a French reference book called " Allaitement Maternel et Alimentation de
l'enfant de 0 =E0 1 an" =C9ditions Agence d'Arc Inc and written by a group=
health Professionals, there is a chapter on anemia written by  Dr. Linda
Brisson who is a pediatrician and a hematologist at the Laval Univertsity
of Laval in Qu=E9bec. On page 412, she reports that the average hemoglobin=
a 3 to 6 months old should be 11.5 with a low average of 9.5. Her references
are Lubin BH. References values in infancy and childhood. in Nathan DG, Oski
FA, Hematology of infancy and childhood. 3rd edition W.B. Saunders. 1987
(vol 2) 1679 - 1680.

This value could probably (Am I wrong?) be considered a normal effect as in
fact the iron reserve the baby had from birth is starting to deplete. That
is was it is usually recommended that babies are introduced to solids around
that time.=20

Please do not even think of the mother's iron status. It is a well known
fact (or should be) that maternal iron intake does not influence the
quantity of iron in breastmilk. The only thing we usually worry about is the
maternal intake of B12. That can be a real problem in strict vegan diet.

Dany Gauthier IBCLC
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Montreal, Canada
Tel: 514-923-3792