Hi Netters,

Now that my headache is gone, I can conti.  Sorry if I did not make total
sense on my last post.
Carla---  cup feeding as Sandra Lang exlains should be infant led if
possible.  I know there has been conflicting info on cup feeding.  If the
baby is a premie, then the infant will "lap" up the milk like a kittie.  If
the infant is older, they might lap it up, but occasionally, one needs to
assist if using alt. feeding method, by gently tipping the cup while
assessing the suck, swallow, breathing.  Talking with a NDT, the baby will
develop correct oral development of extension of the tongue and cupping of
the tongue by cup feeding, while learning to breastfeed.
Africa and puppie feeding---  I can not get this off my mind.  As I read the
posts about piglets, puppies, etc nursing  ( I even have historical slides
with various old people  nursing, but only babies nursing from animals, not
the opposite) I start to wonder when I am in Africa what all I can see if I
chose to go into various areas.  I do plan to go to Kenya and Nairobi June
20-29.  Anyone there or anyone who can give me advise ??(outside of all the
immunizations I need which I have started) please e-mail me. I heard at the
milk bank conf. that they have milk banks there and plan to do alittle
business on the side.  I will definately take pictures of cupfeeding if I
observe any.  Take care all.

Pat Bull, RN, IBCLC
The Breastfeeding Connection/Medela
Naperville, IL