counselor.  i breastfed both of my sons - 10ms & 4yrs2ms respectively.
i've been lurking on this list for 2-3 ms now.  I work primarily with
Hispanic women, I speak Spanish fluently.  I am very dedicated to
working with Hispanis women, very few in ly area are.
        I would like to tell you about a program I have found out about
that exists in Colombia, South America.  The pamphlet I have is in
Spanish, so I can only translate a little of it - snippets really.  The
Dr. who runs it needs to have his head examined I think, ( I also work
full-time in a psych hospital, so I know).  The Dr's name is Hernan
Jaramillo Botero, MD, FACS.  He practices at Hospital La Misericordia,
in Calarca - Quindio, Colombia; should anyone wnat to write to him????
        The program is called "Complementary Diet for the Newborn".  He
advocates get this.....liquified in a blender .....meat, veggies,
fruits, cereal, beans, grains, & juices ..... to be GIVEN TO THE
....1ounce!!!!!   "A high IQ , can only be obtained when the child
gets the same nutrients that he was getting while inside the mother"
"Your child has a right to be intelligent, please don't destroy his
brain with the criminal & absurd diet of only milk"  He does mention to
not give cow's milk, because it'll destroy the Langerhans islets.
"Iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, cobalt are necessary minerals for a
normal mental & physical development"  "mother's milk has all of these
but in inadequate amounts"  "Remember mother's milk is the best food
for your child, but it is not complete, for this reason it is important
to give your baby an additional diet for better grwoth & development"
He even mentions that the way to stimulate milk production is by the
baby's suck!!!!!
        I don't know if anyone wants to wirte this man, I'm going to be
sending him a copy of the WABA guidelines in Spanish.  Maybe DR Hale or
Dr Lawrence, or Kathy, Kathy, & Kathy could write to him.  But would it
                Sincerely, Leila Marcial   [log in to unmask]