We also discussed gold ribbon for promoting breastfeeding, last
National Breastfeeding Week (we'll be celebrating our ninth this
August).  It was suggested that we stick to a colour that could
also be used for print (gold is expensive) and we are trying out
shocking pink.  Colourful and attracts attention.  Our "Think
Baby-Friendly" folders have a pink logo.  In Johannesburg,
shocking pink certificates of attendance are given to course
participants and they are encouraged to stick them up on office
bulletin boards.  Co-incidentally, WABA used shocking pink for
their "Thank You" postcards sent out at the end of last year.
They looked really good.  We haven't done any follow-up to see if
people are actually identifying pink with Bf promotion (like red
for AIDS, yellow for disabled).  I wish someone with great
marketing skills (not a BMS rep.) would offer their services

In an article discussing the need to revise growth charts, Dr
Pete Cooper, Senior Paediatrician at Baragwanath Hospital, says
"Few people would dispute that breastfeeding is the "gold
standard" against which other feeding practices should be
measured.  Thus it would seem reasonable to accept that the
growth pattern demonstrated by breastfed infants are more
"normal" than those standards in current use today."

Hi to the South African lactnetters no longer resident in S.A.
(I've tracked two of you - any others?).  Regards, Lynn.
Lynn Enraght-Moony                                 [log in to unmask]
Phone: +27 11 782-4100                         Fax: +27 11 888-1086
Snail: P O Box 222, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, 2006, SOUTH AFRICA